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 Mentoring for Yoga Teachers



Yoga teacher training is often a ripe playground for self-growth and personal evolution, yet beyond teacher training, we can find ourselves on our own and can feel that something vital is missing between our teaching profession and our understanding of how we long to live – with full integrity and inner alignment.


You realise that your students assume you're a living example of yogic philosophy - and in so many ways you are! - yet you're also aware that your samskaric patterns (habitual responses and beliefs) continue to stand between you and your own fully embodied authenticity in your yoga practice, your life and your teaching. While you love yoga and teaching yoga, inside you sometimes struggle with the difference between your yogic training and how you feel inside, and it's hard to know who to talk to about this without feeling like a fraud in your teaching (which you're not).


You’re absolutely not alone in this experience!


Just as you hold space for others in your teaching, it’s vital that you have someone to hold space for you to continue to explore your own limiting beliefs and patterns, and to support the evolution of your practice, personal life, and profession.  Professional counsellors, psychologists, social workers and others in the helping professions all have  regular 'supervision'/support to enable them to fully embody their profession and personal ethics, yet yoga teachers have few opportunities to reflect in this way.


Support sessions for Yoga Teachers offer a tailored, utterly non-judgmental space for you to explore your own life challenges, enrich your understanding of why you get in your own way, and deepen your capacity to align your actions and beliefs ‘off the mat’ with your passion for yoga and yogic principles in daily life.


Whether your challenges relate to


- Self-criticism

- Low self-confidence and belief in your abilities

- Relationship conflicts

- Negative body image

- Eating issues

- Depression/melancholy

- Anxiety

- Struggles with how to support yourself financially and energetically as a yoga teacher


                                                              Or any other number of life’s challenges…..


These support sessions are specifically designed for yoga teachers, to offer you the space, self-nurturing, and time to clarify and clear the way in your life….


Why work with me?

I am a yoga practitioner and teacher with 21 years of yoga practice and over a decade of teaching. I also have post-graduate training in psychotherapy and counselling and offer a number of programs linking yoga with solutions for anxiety and depression, and negative body image. As a woman deeply committed to the principles and practices of yoga, yet living in the midst of everyday life, I understand - both professionally and personally - the challenges of being a yoga teacher today. 


I work on Skype for those at a distance, or in person in the Illawarra region so can work with you wherever you are. Found out more about me here.




Initial session $110 1.5 hours

Follow-up sessions: $85 one hour


Get in touch here to ask a question or book your first appointment.

You support others all the time in your teaching.


...Who holds space for you?


You love yoga.You teach yoga.The philosophy of yoga aligns deeply with your soul and your values.


And yet….


You find there are aspects of your life and your reactions to yourself, your relationships, or the world around you that are out of alignment with your core understanding of yoga. You long to feel more integrated between your understanding of yoga and the way you feel inside.


Mentoring sessions for yoga teachers are made for you...

“To truly understand what it is to be in the light, you have to also understand what it is to be in the shadow. Because it is one thing to hold the light within myself, but how can I hold the space for another being when they are in their shadow and still love them? And not judge them? I am only going to judge them if I am still judging me.”
― Seane Corn

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